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How Can You Install Wardrobes By Yourself?

Believe it or not, anyone who is handy with a few simple tools can do wardrobe installation. If you can measure with tape, use a screwdriver or drill, and a level, you are ready to install wardrobes by yourself. The only other requirement is being able to follow step-by-step instructions, and you will soon have that beautiful new wardrobe of your dreams.

Measure your wardrobe installation space.
You need to have exact measurements of the height, width, and depth of the space you need to dedicate to your wardrobe. You also need accurate measurements of the doorway, both height, and width, if you intend to include new doors in your installation.

Choose your wardrobe components.
Visit your chosen retailer’s website and check out their wardrobe components. You need to decide how much area for hanging, how many shelves, what type of shelves, and how many drawers and their size you need, and that you can fit into your available space. Make sure you are using every available inch of space. Many retailers offer virtual tools to help you design your wardrobe space before you purchase the components.

Prepare your wardrobe installation.
The day before your wardrobe is due to be delivered, remove all stored items from the wardrobe area. Remove the existing hanging rods, hooks, and/or shelves if they are not being incorporated into your new wardrobe system. Clear a space in the adjoining room where you can spread out the components, sort the hardware, and have sufficient light to read the instructions.

Install your wardrobe components.
When your wardrobe components arrive, organize them into orderly stacks. Begin at the back of your wardrobe area and work your way to the front. You can install wardrobes by following the manufacturer’s instructions for assembly and installation. Most individual components will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour to install. When you are finished, take the instructions and any extra hardware, package it up, label it and store it where you can find it, in case you need it in the future.

Clean up.
Finally, to install wardrobes by yourself, dust and clean the floor in your new wardrobe area, discard all component packaging, and store spare parts and tools where they belong.

Replace all of your clothing and shoes in their new homes and enjoy your brand new self-installed wardrobe!

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